5 Element Constellations at Caritas in Boulder June 23rd, 2014, 7 pm to 9:30 pm

In this workshop we will explore our dynamics of health and well being through a cutting edge approach known as 5 Elements Constellations. Join author and founder John Cheney for this new blend of Systemic Constellations, the 5 Elements of Chinese Medicine, and acupressure in powerful healing environment. This workshop can be helpful working with physical problems such as: sleep disorders, back pain, asthma, emotional issues, low energy, family issues, and many other physical difficulties.

The Chinese system of 5 Elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood) has been used for thousands of years as a model to view the subtle expressions of balance and imbalance within the human body. In ancient Chinese culture the 5 Elements we not only applied to the body but disciplines including agriculture, astrology, government, martial arts, military, music, feng shui, tea ceremony, and of course traditional Chinese medicine. This method can be enormously helpful tool to see the quality of our health and to help develop strategies to support positive changes

John Cheney has combined Systemic Constellations with the 5 Element Constellations. So instead of working on only family issues this method focuses more on issues regarding health. In a workshop setting, this integration of 5 Element theory and Constellation technology provides a safe dynamic environment to learn, release, and restore our physical and energetic health. With love, humor, and patience we will look at our strengths, burdens, entanglements, virtues, and health challenges to release and bring balance back to our body.
Coauthor of Finding our Place in Earth Community.

Caritas Spiritualist Center
5723 Arapahoe Ave
Boulder, CO 80203

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