5 Element Constellations Demonstration

Sunday November 23rd, 2014 from 1 pm to 5:30 pm Registration fee $10 dollars for observing participants & $30 per requested constellation Where: 566 Powell Street, Vancouver BC
With John Cheney Facilitator
5 Element Constellation Founder, Jin Shin Do Acupressure, LMP, NCBTMB

certified, Systemic Constellation Facilitator.

The Chinese system of 5 Elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood) has been used for thousands of years as a

device for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena. It is a systemic model of wholeness that

reflects our body’s energy system. The 5 elements have been utilized in a wide variety of fields and disciplines,

including agriculture, astrology, government, martial arts, military, music, tea ceremony, and traditional Chinese


Many of you have participated in Family Constellations, but in this workshop we will use the 5 Elements;

representing 5 different aspects/archetypes of an individual which were derived from Chinese Taoist traditions.

The Chinese Medicine Meridian system are characterized in these archetypes. They can represent our resources,

character strength, our willingness to give and take, our sense of organization, our drive in life, our fractured self,

physical trauma, psychological trauma, health difficulties, and energetic health. It’s purpose is to look at how our

body’s regulatory system is functioning and assist it in releasing and achieving balance.

In Family Constellations we pick representatives from our Family in order to work on issues that pertain to our

relationship to the Family System. In a 5 Element Constellation we pick people from the workshop to represent

aspects of our own personality and energetic system. The goal is to bring our system to a state of balance

In this workshop we will gently examine healing our bodies. With love, humor, and patience we will look at our

strengths, human nature, burdens and entanglements, to see, bring light, and provide an environment to feel and

release these burdens.

For more info Contact: John Cheney to register (you must RSVP with John or Andrea F. Woodhouse) call 206-679-3961

or email John firstbirdenator @gmail.com Andrea Fisca l @

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