5 Elements Constellations Fall Earth/Metal Transition circle

Begins November 10th, 7 to 9:30 pm

The intention of this 5 week gathering will be to utilize the 5 Element as mirror to help maintain our energetic flow for the Fall months, and insure that our bodies make a easy transition as the weather changes.
We will utilize 5 Element Constellations, dietary suggestions, cleansing, and energy building exercises to help support and build our reserves as well as to build what is called Earth and energy. Just like a Fire our heart energy sometimes burns lightly and other times brightly. We will explore why our heart energy ebbs and flows.

In Chinese medicine, Fire is the element that characterizes our spirit and base feeling, and it’s expression is at it’s peak in Summer time (in our bodies, and in the world). In order for this to function at it’s peak we need plenty of energy reserves.

The Spleen and our Stomach are considered the 2 organs (yin and yang) belonging to the Earth element. As you might imagine the Earth element represents (just like the Earth) or stability, abundance, ability to give, our sense of connection with others, and quality of digestion. If you have digestive problems, difficulty being grounded, anemia, and brain fog, and autoimmune problems, or just want to deepen your heart connection. We will explore our hearts, as well as issues that can be addressed by Systemic Constellations (Family, Relationship, and work issues).

5 Mondays $150 Early bird until November 3rd. $175 thereafter
Contact John Cheney at 206-679-3961 or Email: Firstbirdenator@gmail.com
(see the 5 Intentions for this Circle on the next page)

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