5 Elements Constellations Learning Circle begins Jan. 17th, 2015

With John Cheney Facilitator

Have you ever wondered why you are a night person or a morning person? Why you have a crash in your energy level in the afternoon, or do your best work in the evening? Have you had the experience of waking-up at the same time every night? In the 5 Element Learning circle we will explore these dynamics (AND MUCH MORE), and learn practical solutions regarding our body’s biorhythms. We will use the powerful tool of constellations and utilize the 5 Elements as lens to see these dynamics of body in action.
This year long Learning Circle begins January 17th, 2013 (9:30 to 5:30) and will meet once a month. Location North Seattle. We will be engaging in the follow topics:
Self-regulation, using the 5 Element model to illustrate how the meridian system regulates the body’s energy system. The Constellations will help give you a direct experience of your regulatory system.
5 Element theory. (*see description below)
Family Constellations theory. (* see additional explanation below)
Systemic Constellations facilitation.
Acupressure, acutonics
A deeper experience of feeling subtle energy.

What does self-regulation mean? My definition is: the ability to maintain and take care of our mind/body and achieve a state of balance. The lifestyle choices we make, our sleep patterns, biorhythms, food choices, relationships, and Family all play a role in our well being.
How is 5 Element theory helpful in everyday life? It can be helpful to see general physical and emotional patterns that emerge in our life, and give us strategies for change.
Have you ever wondered why you get along with some people and not others? Is possible there is an underlying dynamic of our likes and dislikes that block our engagement with certain personality types? We will explore these dynamics as well.
Please contact me if you have more questions. There are quite a few application of this 5 Element Constellations not mentioned here.
Contact: John Cheney to register:
call 206-679-3961 or email firstbirdenator@gmail.com

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